
The company offers services in a wide range of horticultural and landscape disciplines.
We cover the grounds maintenance associated with many businesses and will set up a appropriate maintenance program to suit your requirements. In some locations we have established wild flower meadows as a very attractive and environmentally friendly option for lower maintenance requirements. In consultation with various clients over the years I have produced garden designs on which I have then arranged for the construction and planting. On some occasions these projects have included the design and construction of garden buildings which in more recent times have been covered with green roofs, a rapidly developing technology which is an innovative aspect of horticulture set to make a big impact on environmental issues. Our ongoing involvement with the maintenance of roof gardens and terraces is contributing to this aspect of the business . Along with buildings we have the facility to design , construct and install bespoke garden furniture.
Allied to all the above I also can offer my services as a horticultural consultant to Landscape Architects, Architects , Developers, Housing Associations - best described as site services which includes site inspection services on landscape projects, site surveys of trees for planning and management purposes and planting designs for housing developments

Chartered Institute of Horticulture  - logo


BALI National Landscape Awards Principal Award Winner 2015BALI National Landscape Awards Winner 2015BALI National Landscape Awards Winner 2014

List of Clients - past and present - HarrisonStevens Landcape Architects - Manor Estates Housing Association -Baillie Gifford - PPG -Jones Lang LaSalle - Lambert Smith Hampton - Fletcher King - Roxburgh & Co - Spiers Gumley - Joiner Cummings - National Air Traffic Services - Scottish Book Trust - Anderson Strathern - Sykes Global - Lord Rosslyn - Marta Mcglynn Associates - Scottish Power - Colliers CRE - Rathbone Investments - Scottish Funding Council - Murray International Holdings - Gillespies - PPCA - Independent Investment Co - Ashford Property Co - Alstrom Fibre - Intergen - Interflex -Boland Propertties - Glenmorangie CoLtd - PTSA -Derek Lovejoy Ptnrs - ERM - Simpson and Brown - Cockburn Consevation Trust - Aberlour Trust and many private home owners.